Can hemp be grown in pots?

All you need is a little soil, a pot or garden bed, seeds, water and lots of sunlight. Hemp plants can grow quite large, so make sure you give them enough space to spread out and spread out. We love these easy Pot For A Pot starter kits, and their grow guide is a great starting point for first-time hemp growers. Once the roots of the seedlings have spread to the sides and bottom of the germination tray, it's time to transplant them into larger containers.

Place seedlings in 4-5-inch containers filled with rich, organic soil. Wait for these containers to stop growing and then transplant them into the final fabric grow pot or bag. Learn more about the regulatory status of state and tribal hemp programs by visiting the AMS Hemp website Now, growers can grow hemp if they meet those requirements or if they are growing according to an approved state or tribal hemp production plan.