What climate does hemp like?

The soil temperature should be around 55oF. Emergence is likely three to five days after spring planting. Hemp is more tolerant of low soil temperature at planting than corn and, although seedlings may die from an early frost, hemp survived a temperature of 24° F in May in Canada. Hemp clearly thrives as a result of Colorado's landscape, soil, elevation, and climate.

Growers describe Delta County in western Colorado as one of the best, if not the best, areas for growing hemp in the world. There were also many hemp seed oil mills that pressed excess hemp seeds into oil, which was used in paints, inks, varnishes, and lamp oil. Concerns about the use of plants for drug purposes led to the Marijuana Tax Act of 1938, which made both hemp and marijuana controlled substances and effectively eliminated industrial hemp production (with some exceptions when fiber was needed during World War II). There was a time when there were more than 100 water factories to process hemp fiber in Lancaster County alone (ten things you never knew about PA's hemp history).

Among other things, the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA), which runs the industrial hemp program, is incredibly pro-industry and works closely with hemp farmers to get them started. Industrial hemp is commercially produced in more than 30 countries around the world, with France being the largest producer of industrial hemp in the world. One trait that all hemp farmers share, a trait that differentiates hemp growers from traditional farmers, is an increased awareness of the law. And because hemp doesn't need pesticides to grow and flourish, hemp is good for soil health and, as a result, produces a wider range of crops.

And earlier this year, Oregon State University announced the launch of the Global Hemp Innovation Center, the largest hemp research organization in the U.S. UU. Industrial hemp producers in Pennsylvania should carefully consider the cost of transporting fiber or grain when evaluating the potential profitability of industrial hemp. In Nebraska, hemp grown for fiber or grain will more closely match existing growing systems than hemp grown for CBD.

Hemp can benefit other rotating crops, such as by suppressing weeds and some species of nematodes by hemp. Industrial hemp producers should carefully identify what industrial hemp products and sales channels are available before starting production, obtain the necessary permits prior to production, and ensure that production is conducted in accordance with state and federal laws. However, farmers who take hemp early should carefully evaluate the legal implications of growing, selling, and even transporting hemp through other states. Hemp grown for fiber should be sown as soon as possible, while hemp for grain should be sown later to minimize stem height.

While hemp farmers can sell their products anywhere, manufacturers of cannabinoid products derived from hemp tinctures, topicals, pills, beverages and the like are prohibited from using hemp that is not grown in New York.